(Bi)Weekly Recap Jul 18-July 31 2021

Fellow readers, I apologize for my absence last week. On Saturday the 24, I had just picked up Thomas Mann’s Joseph and his Brothers , the largest book I’ve read to date. I spent the rest of the week finishing it, so I hope I can make up for lost time with this bi-weekly recap: Trying to Find Chinatown by David Henry Hwang The lesser-known plays of the Asian American playwright behind M. Butterfly . None of these works are as mature as the one that made Hwang famous, but each contains the flashes of cynicism and empathy that illuminate his best work. “MA: If I dont get rich here, I might as well die here. Let my brothers laugh in peace...I’ve got to change myself. Toughen up. Take no shit. Count my change. Learn to gamble. Learn to win. Learn to stare. Learn to deny. Earn to look at men with opaque eyes…’Cause I’ve got the fear. You’ve given it to me” (87) Everywhere You Don’t Belong by Gabriel Bump Claude McKay Love, an ordinary Black teenager from South Shore, struggles to fi...