Weekly Recap August 15-August 20 2021

I regret to inform you, fellow readers, that summer has come to an end. With it must die my summer review format. In this final week of summer reading, I finished six books: Shadow and Act by Ralph Ellison The author of Invisible Man reflects on literature, music and society in immaculate prose essays. While not every work is as great as “On Bird, Bird-Watching and Jazz,” which inspired me to pick up this collection, each reveals the internal rhythms of a superb writer and critic. “In those days it was either live with music or die with noise, and we chose rather desperately to live” (187) Silence by Shūsaku Endō During the Tokugawa persecutions, two Portuguese Jesuits venture into the Japanese “swamp” in search of a mentor rumored to have abandoned the faith. The intense, melancholy themes presented by Endō are stifled by a too-conventional translation. “On the day of my death, too, will the world go relentlessly on its way indifferent as it is now? After I am murdered, will the ci...